Tourist attractions

"The world is a book and those who don’t travel only read one page."

"When the asphalt of the road will end
My body and your body will become asphalt
So this land of dream
Won’t remain untraveled."
Nichita Stanescu

Always remember to keep your mind, eyes, and soul open when you travel.

Destinations for the history lover:

The first artefacts from this region were discovered in the Neolithic period. In the Magna Curia Palace in Deva you can find the Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation.

If you wish to visit the Dacian Fortresses please tell us, we might be able to find you a specialized guide.

The Dacian fortresses (35-33 kilometres from Banpotoc) are the following distances from Orastie: Costesti (18km), Blidaru (22km), Piatra Rosie (30 km), Gradistea Muncelului (39 km), Sarmisegetusa Regia (in the mountains). The capital of Roman Dacia, Sarmisegetuza Ulpia Traiana is 25 kms from Hateg. It was built in 107 by the word of Roman Emperor Traian. The Colt Fortress, situated on a rock at 720 meters altitude, inspired Jules Verne to write his book The Carpathian Castle.

Corvinestilor Castle, in Hunedoara, (20 km from Vila Castelul Maria), is one of the most beautiful architectonic wonders from south eastern Europe.

The fortress of Deva, built in the 13th century, can be visited by foot or with the cable car.

The memorial Museum of Aurel Vlaicu, 30kilometres from Castelul Maria, honours the master of Romanian aviation.

Muzeul Memorial "Aurel Vlaicu" (la 30 km de vila Castelul Maria) - amenajat în memoria acestui pionier al aviației românești și mondiale. Aici a văzut lumina zilei și a făurit primele sale aeromodele, marele inventator și pilot Aurel Vlaicu.

The museum of minerals, known as the Gold Museum in Brad is unique in Europe. It was founded 100 years ago. Renovated and reopened in 2012.

For the lover of nature

Starting point: the garden of the villa, the surroundings and the Banpotoc village, following the river which will lead you to the Varmaga village. You can get there by walking or by bicycle.

The Dendrological Park of Simeria, with a big collection of plants.

The National Retezat park, with peaks of over 2500m, 80 glacier lakes and wild landscapes.

The Cioclovina Park with wonderful caves.

Banpotoc, starting point for visiting cities outside the region:

98 km to Sibiu
50 km to Alba Iulia
90 km to Petrosani (visiting the Jiu Valley)
100 km to Rosia Montana
150 km to Targu Jiu
162 km to Timisoara
170 km to Cluj

Visiting religious spaces, from Banpotoc

Strei Ortodox Church, 25 km
Prislop Monastery, 50 km
Wooden Church in Almasu Mic, 22 km
Church in Santamarie Orlea, 50 km
Church of the Colt Fortress, 61 km
Densus Church, built in the 13th century, 54 km
Ortodox Church in Ostrov, built in the 14th century, 54 km

You can see them in just one day, following this road:

Banpotoc, Simeria, Hunedoara, Calan, Streisangiorgiu, Strei, Santamarie Orlea, Nucsoara, Suseni, Cetatea Colt, Ostrov, Pesteana, Densus, Hateg, Prislop, Hunedoara, Simeria, Banpotoc.

Taking the road towards Arad: the medieval church in Lesnic (34 km) & the medieval church in Gurasada (43 km).